Create personalized birthday cards with AI

Unlimited designs with our AI-powered birthday card maker. Create the perfect card in minutes!
* Available on iOS and Web, only for Pro users

Get inspired by our birthday card creations

Personalize the text, colors, font, names, and more with your own ideas!

Create a unique birthday card by simply using your own words

Goodbye templates, welcome creativity!

With Photoroom’s AI-powered online card maker, you’re not stuck with boring templates. Add a special message, and our AI creates a personalized birthday card based on your ideas and input, bringing your dream design to life just the way you want it.

Design a custom greeting card for everyone

Make a custom card as special as your friend, grandparent, or colleague! Choose playful, elegant, or quirky styles, then add a personal message to show how much they mean to you. With custom fonts, colors, and images, you can create a heartfelt, one-of-a-kind card using just a few clicks or text input.

Your card, your way

Craft the perfect card with a heartfelt message or any custom touch you decide. Since you control what will be on the card, you can easily use different angles. Here is an inspiration for a whimsical birthday card: "You're invited to Anna's magical 16th birthday!”

How to create a birthday card?

Step 1

Create an account

Sign up to start your card creation journey. Try our 7-day free trial, and you'll gain access to all design tools and features.

Step 2

Test different ideas

Open the tool “AI Images” and describe your birthday card. Experiment with various design elements like colors, details, fonts and styles to craft a card that matches your wishes. Resize for the format you need!

Step 3

Download your birthday card

Download your card as a PNG or JPEG to share digitally or gift it as a print.

Create more with Photoroom

Create a logo
Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect logo in minutes!
Create a poster
Endless designs fueled by AI. Create your ideal poster in just minutes!
Create an icon
Create your personalized icon with our AI-powered icon generator.
Generate images with AI
Transform words into visuals with our AI-powered text-to-image tool AI Images, accessible in just a few clicks.

You asked, we answered

  • How is Photoroom’s online birthday card maker different?

  • Does the card maker offer templates for different relationships, like friends, grandparents, parents or colleagues?

  • Is it possible to create a custom birthday card from scratch, or do I need to use a pre-made design?

  • Can I personalize my birthday card with photos, unique fonts, and colors?

  • Can I create birthday cards free?