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Annual commitment, 100K images minimum
Have a consumer app, process more than 500K images per year and want to partner with Photoroom?
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You asked, we answered
I was subscribed to the previous pricing, how do I transition to a new plan and maintain my credits?
You can subscribe to plans from your API dashboard.
How do I find my API dashboard?
You can access your API dashboard under the "Team" section in your account. Watch this video to see the process.
How do I subscribe to a plan?
From your API dashboard:
Create a new team
Enable a new API key
Select your new plan (Basic or Plus) and proceed to payment
Note: for existing customers, you will have 2 teams - one subscribed to the new pricing plan and the other to our old pricing.
If you prefer to continue using your previous API key, contact us at with:
Your previous API key
New API key (first 10 characters)
Your switch date, so we can update your account. Learn more
How does your free trial work?
To enable your prototyping and testing, you can edit 10 Basic plan images (or the Plus equivalent) per month.
You also can make up to 1,000 free calls by month to the Image Editing API using sandbox mode.After your testing concludes, please subscribe to a monthly plan from your API dashboard.
We reserve the right to revoke a free trial if we suspect cases of abuse.If I subscribe to a Basic plan can I make Plus calls and vice versa?
IIf you’re on the Basic Plan (which is Remove Background API) and make a Plus call (which is the Image Editing API), you’ll be charged the Plus price per image of $0.10.
If you’re on the Plus Plan and call the Remove background API, you’ll be charged the Basic price per image of $0.02.
Can I upgrade my plan from a free trial to a paying plan?
Yes - from your API dashboard.
- From free trial: select Plus or Basic from the API dashboard
What if I run out of my plan before it renews?
To prevent service disruptions, update your plan from your API dashboard by clicking on “change plan.”
Note: we send a notification when you’ve used 80% and another notification when you're at 100% of your plan.
Can I downgrade or cancel my plan?
Yes, from your API dashboard. Your plan will be downgraded or canceled on your next billing date.
You can use your remaining plan until then.
- If you cancelled your plan, we won’t bill you.
- If you downgraded your plan, you will billed your new plan amount at the time of your renewal.
Can I change the number of images in my plan?
Yes, you can increase or decrease the number of images from your API dashboard.
If you add more images, the change applies immediately.
You can immediately use the images in your new plan.
Your new subscription starts from the day you increased your plan images.
30 days after your upgrade, your new plan will renew as long as you don’t cancel it.
You subscribed to (& pre-paid for) a $20 Basic plan (1000 images).
You increase your plan to the $40 Basic plan (2000 images)
We’ll immediately charge you $40.
Please note that you will be moved to your new plan and therefore lose any existing unused images. Email if you notice any discrepancies.
If you reduce images, the change will apply on your next billing date. You can use your remaining images until then.
I canceled or downgraded my plan by mistake, can I correct this?
Cancelled plans: please contact our customer support team to assist you.
Downgraded plans: from the API dashboard, select, “change plan” then select your new plan. Your new subscription date starts from the day you updated your plan.
Can I subscribe to an annual plan?
At this time, you can subscribe only to monthly plans. If you’re processing more than 500k images per year, contact for custom pricing options.
Do you have preview images?
For prototyping/testing you can sign up for a free trial with 10 images and the sandbox (1,000 images per month with Image Editing API).
Can I rollover any of the plans?
Unused images will not roll over month-to-month.
Do you offer a startup plan?
We have the Photoroom API Startup plan for marketplace, e-commerce, creativity app or software startups. Learn more about the plan and eligibility criteria.
What is the API Partner Plan?
The API Partner plan is for "consumer facing" apps processing 100k images per month who can display Photoroom's logo on your public user interface in exchange for an exceptional $0.01 per image pricing.
If you meet all the eligibility criteria for the API Partner plan, you can subscribe to it. Note that you will need to send us more information so we can verify that you are eligible for the plan.
Can I access Plus features with the API Partner plan?
- The API Partner plan covers Basic plan features.
- If you are interested in Plus features and you meet all the API Partner plan eligibility criteria, contact
I am on a Basic or Plus plan, can I subscribe to the API Partner plan?
If you meet all the eligibility criteria for the API Partner plan, you can subscribe to it. Note that you will need to send us more information so we can verify that you are eligible for the API Partner plan pricing.
How can I enrol in the API Partner plan?
After confirming you meet all the API Partner plan eligibility criteria:
Subscribe to the API Partner plan from our pricing page - click on “sign up” follow the prompts to add your form of payment.
After subscribing to the API Partner plan; email with the following information:
1. The name of your company.
2. Where can we access the app of your company?
3. The type of service you provide to customers.
4. How you’ll use the Photoroom API in your app or on your website.
5. The email address you used to enable your API key.
6. A video of the Photoroom logo displayed and linking to Photoroom’s app or website.
7. Confirmation that you can commit to at least 100k images (that is $1000) every month.
After you’ve sent us the info, we’ll review your website and/or app to ensure you’re eligible.
f we determine you’re not eligible, we will follow up with you to change your subscription.
I’m not eligible for the API Partner plan, but I process a high volume of images?
If you process 500k images per year, contact to learn about our custom pricing options.
Can I select any amount of images or is it fixed amounts?
You can purchase a fixed amount (for example, 1000, 2000, etc.) from your API dashboard.
I have another question
For any other questions, please review our technical FAQ or join our Slack community.