Design unique posters with AI

Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect poster in minutes with our poster maker!
* Available on iOS and Web, only for Pro users

Get inspired by our poster creations

Personalize the text, colors, font, icons, and more with your own ideas!

Use AI to create a creative poster to match your vision

Farewell templates, welcome creativity!

With Photoroom’s AI-powered online poster maker, you’re not stuck with boring templates. Our AI creates a custom poster based on your ideas and input, giving you a design that’s just right for your brand. It’s quick, simple, and made just for you!

Bold designs, lasting impressions

Why creating stunning posters with the online poster maker? See here the most popular use cases:

  • Promote your business: Design eye-catching posters that grab attention and drive interest.

  • Make an impact at events: Stand out with custom posters for conferences, trade shows, and presentations.

  • Social media ready: Design posters that can easily be shared across Instagram, Facebook, and more.

  • Decorate your space: Add personality to your office or store with unique, custom posters tailored to your brand.

Bring colors to life

Transform your poster designs with vibrant color combinations that captivate. Whether you're going bold or subtle, the AI assists in crafting a design that speaks to your vision. From fresh ideas to final touches, you have everything you need to create captivating posters that not only pop but make a lasting impression.

How to create a poster?

Step 1

Create an account

Sign up to start your poster creation journey. Try our free trial, and you'll gain access to all design tools and features.

Step 2

Test different ideas

Open the tool “AI Images” and describe your poster with a few words. Experiment with various design elements like colors, details, fonts and styles to craft a logo that represents your brand identity.

Step 3

Download your logo

Easily download your poster in high-quality PNG or JPEG format.

Create more with Photoroom

Create a logo
Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect logo in minutes!
Create a birthday card
Unlimited designs, powered by AI. Generate the perfect birthday card in minutes!
Create an icon
Create your personalized icon with our AI-powered icon generator.
Generate images with AI
Transform words into visuals with our AI-powered text-to-image tool AI Images, accessible in just a few clicks.

You asked, we answered

  • How is Photoroom’s online poster maker different?

  • How do I choose the right design elements for my poster?

  • What size and format should my poster be for printing or digital use?

  • How can I make my poster stand out and catch attention?

  • Can I customize a poster without any design experience?

  • Is the poster maker for free?