Photoroom 将我的单人公寓室变成了专业照片工作室。利用 Photoroom,不用花费数小时或数千美元来编辑照片,几秒就能创建专业照片,不仅让我的照片看起来很出色,而且实惠高效。
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Depending on if your using the mobile or the web app, Photoroom offers currently different image resizing versions.
To get started, open the app (mobile or app), click the "Resize" button, and choose an image from your library.
Now select your desired image size and dimension. In the current iOS version, your image will be expanded automatically using our AI Expand technology.
On the web and Android, you'll need to manually drag your image to fill the space.
Once you’ve found the perfect size, you can go ahead and make additional adjustments with our editing features or download the image.
You can also create a Photoroom account to store your work and enjoy more photo editing options.
Photoroom's Resize that is powered by AI goes beyond simple resizing: it intelligently expands your image to fit the desired dimensions. If you have a portrait image but need it in landscape, simply select "landscape" from the menu, and the AI will seamlessly fill in the rest!
Photoroom 功能全面:您可以为社交媒体和销售市场调整照片大小,也可以只突显图像的某个部分——一个应用就能搞定。让您自由发挥创造力。
With the batch feature makes resizing multiple images at once effortless. Instead of adjusting each image individually, you can resize an entire batch with a single click, saving you time and effort. Plus the expand feature is available via API, you can integrate this powerful tool into your workflow, automating the process for even greater efficiency!
Why is the expand function not yet available on the web?
Currently, only iOS Pro users can see the function, but we are working hard on rolling it out to our web application. Sign up for a free trial to have access to AI Resize with an expand function!
Is the image resizer for free?
AI Resize, Photoroom's image resizer, is included in the Pro subscription and isn't available for free. However, you can try it out by signing up for a 7-day free trial.
要调整图像大小,只需上传您的照片,工具会自动去除背景,在编辑模式下打开它,为您提供便捷的调整大小选项。在这里,您可以手动设置尺寸,或者选择社交媒体平台(如 Instagram、TikTok)或市场(如 Etsy 或 Depop)常用的标准大小。您可以点击“调整大小”调整图像所在画布的大小。要调整照片大小,可以使用鼠标或手指拖曳照片边角调整大小,这取决于您使用的是笔记本电脑还是手机。
Photoroom 将我的单人公寓室变成了专业照片工作室。利用 Photoroom,不用花费数小时或数千美元来编辑照片,几秒就能创建专业照片,不仅让我的照片看起来很出色,而且实惠高效。
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能够去除图片背景,这让我很开心。我在网上做生意,拍照并非总是在干净整洁的环境。Photoroom 能够去除所有凌乱的背景,允许我将背景改为更赏心悦目、更适合放到网站上的内容,我对此很满意。
我使用 Photoroom 差不多两年,主要用于 Instagram。Photoroom 对用户十分友好,使我能够完成工作。Facebook 上的 Photoroom 小组很棒,提供了大量提示和技巧,遇到问题还能与 Photoroom 很好地沟通。